Business Continuity Management Tool
BuResus assists the organizations in managing their business continuity in alignment with ISO 22301:2019 standard, Good Practice Guidelines of 2018 from Business Continuity Institute (UK) and best practices prevailing in the industries.
It facilitates in assessing their operations, risks, threats and vulnerabilities and prepare for disruptions to their operations from any internal or external incidents such as breakdowns, IT failures, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, supply chain breakdowns, etc. Safeguarding the stakeholder’s interest is our priority which BuResus ensures by making all required information and documents available in a well-structured manner digitally. Various workflows, reminders and escalations in BuResus helps in proper maintenance of the management system requirements.
This helps in mitigating one of the biggest challenges of BCM – key personnel and their contact details. This information can be stored in BuResus masters or in AlertEm which can be integrated with BuResus.

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Key BUSINESS Benefits:
Manage complete lifecycle of BCMS
- Site Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, Business Risk Assessment, Vendor Risk Assessment, Recovery Strategies, Business Continuity Plan, IT Disaster Recovery Plan, Exercising and Testing, Real Incident Register, Emergency Purchases
Ensure plan quality and accuracy
Automated workflows, notifications, reminders and escalations
Drive better decisions and outcomes
Highly secured architecture
Manage Governance documents such as policies, manuals, procedures and guidelines
Interactive Dashboards and Reports
Improved visibility through impactful analytics
Plan for an effective response
Appropriate access controls defined for all users on need-to-know basis
Intuitive and user-friendly interface
Increased engagement through automation